What Our Clients Say

what our clients say!

The service was excellent and everything most professional and on
time!! Many thanks.” – VP
“I have only positive comments. Although I felt rather apprehensive about
the test procedure there was really nothing to it, and your friendly
approach and helpful answers to my questions made the whole thing a
positive experience. The computer print-out and text was useful to show
to my GP.” – SB
“The appointment was very useful and informative. My results were fine,
just the average that they should be but it did focus my mind on what I
need to do to protect myself for the future. I have joined a gym and am
doing some weight bearing exercises there.
“I found the Bone Density Scan reassuring as I think that in these modern
times more people are becoming aware that certain problems can be
diagnosed earlier just for making time to attend these scans. The
appointment was informative and carried out in a professional manner” –
The information was very helpful and I am still digesting it. It was very
good to have the chance for a longer chat and advice and your
information helped me understand better the result of a previous test I
had had through the NHS.”
“I had my bone density appointment on 14 July and this was very quick,
painless and the information given was helpful. The booklet I was given
was also informative.” – IW
“Just to let you know that I can thoroughly recommend having the bone
density heel test. It was quick, informative and value for money. Following
my borderline result I mentioned it to the doctor the next time I was at the
surgery and they scanned the results graph and accompanying letter onto
my notes.
We have been holding bone density testing days with the University of
Warwick for the past eight years. We were thrilled when the Deputy Vice
Chancellor of Warwick University, Professor Stuart Palmer, issued this
press release when we started work for them, which was also picked up
by the Coventry Telegraph.

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