Human MOT’s
These are very popular days among staff!
They provide a quick and easy way for your staff to get a general idea of
their health.
All results are explained to individuals during their appointment and
advice is given as to how they can improve or maintain their results.
For those that present with scores outside of the safe norms, they are
referred to their GP for a follow up.
We have two options here. The Mini MOT of the Full MOT.
Option 1:
Blood Free Test
Blood Pressure
Hip to Waist Ratio
Height & Weight (BMI)
Grip Strength
Peak Flow
Body Composition (must not have eaten within 60 mins)
Full MOT: A bit of Blood!
Blood Pressure
Hip to Waist Ratio
Height & Weight (BMI)
Grip Strength
Peak Flow
Cholesterol (must not have eaten within 60 mins)
Blood Glucose (overnight fast ideal but can test 90mins or more after
Haemoglobin (iron levels)
Body Composition (must not have eaten within 60 mins)
Along with each test they will receive an information sheet with their
results on
Please Note:
Cholesterol Haemoglobin & Blood SugarTest –
This testis done with a finger prick – quick and relatively(!) painless.
Staff are not obligated to have all of the tests! If there is one or more that
they do not want to partake in they will not be forced! One of the main
aims of these days is to get staff interested in their health and keen to
make improvements!