Bone Density Testing

There is lots more information on this service on the BONE DENSITY tab on the homepage!

However, to keep it brief here, I asses bone density and fracture risk
using a machine called a ‘Quantative Ultrasound Scanner’ or ‘QUS’. The
test measures the bone density in their heel, and is very useful for
assessing risk of fracturing (breaking) their legs, arms, hips and wrists –
common fracture sites for sufferers of osteoporosis. The machine is safe,
painless, and has no side effects!
They put their foot in a machine that grips their heel, and ultrasound
waves pass through it. Each heel stays in the machine for about two
minutes. Although the test itself is not diagnostic, individuals with low
scores are given a copy of their results to give to their GP. The test serves
as a useful ‘filter’ to help a GP decide whether or not the individual needs
further investigation, meaning that it usually speeds up, or improves, the
individual’s chances of access to a more detailed diagnostic test.
After the test is completed, their results will be printed off and explained.
There will also be time for them to ask questions, if they have any!
Along with their results and explanation, they will receive an information
pack with evidence-based nutrition, exercise and lifestyle advice to
enable you to safeguard themselves against the osteoporosis and
orthopedic issues, greatly enhancing their chances of having strong and
healthy bones for life.
All results are strictly confidential however a general overview of the
spread of results can be provided to the company.

07825 556740

The Studio - Sports Massage & Beauty Therapy